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Shravan Chintala

Refreshing Your Smile with Deep Cleaning! What You Need to Know

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

Taking good care of your teeth helps prevent gum problems. Regular brushing and flossing  — along with biannual visits to your dentist for routine cleanings — lay the foundation for strong oral health. But if you notice symptoms such as bleeding gums, receding gum lines, or loose teeth, your dentist may recommend a more intensive approach: a dentist deep cleaning, also known as scaling or root planing.


What is deep teeth cleaning?


Dentist deep cleaning for your teeth targets the removal of tartar and plaque buildup, a process that helps soothe inflamed gums and boosts the health of your gums. Tartar comes from hardening plaque, which is a mix of leftover bits of food and saliva that clings to your teeth every day. Regular tooth brushing can get rid of plaque, but only a deep clean can effectively tackle hardened tartar.


What are its benefits?


If your gums are moving away from your teeth, leaving a gap bigger than 5mm, it might be time to consider a deeper clean. Such gaps often indicate progressing gum disease, which can weaken the structures that support your teeth and potentially lead to tooth loss.


A dentist deep cleaning offers numerous benefits. It can stop gum disease from getting worse, help treat an infection, and aid in healing. By cleaning both above and below the gumline and addressing the roots of your teeth, this procedure also combats bad breath associated with gum disease.


What are the downsides of dentist deep cleaning?


Deep cleaning offers significant benefits for oral health, but it's important to have a conversation with your dentist about potential downsides.


While uncommon, there's a slight chance of nerve damage during the procedure. Additionally, deep cleaning doesn't guarantee gums will reattach to teeth, and some minor gum recession might occur as more of the tooth’s root surface becomes exposed. If you have a weakened immune system, your dentist will likely recommend antibiotics to minimize infection risk. The most common side effect is temporary soreness or sensitivity lasting 5-7 days, although in rare cases, these symptoms may linger for a longer period.


By understanding these potential drawbacks, you can make an informed decision alongside your dentist about whether deep cleaning is the right course of action for your oral health.


Lynwood Dental Studio offers professional dental deep cleaning services. To explore your options and schedule an appointment, call (425) 778 5665.

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